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Mexican Photographs, Part II

sullivan.gif (65843 bytes)    Painting exhibit, Sullivan Park

metro.gif (45619 bytes) Metro platform, 1969
kiosk.gif (109246 bytes)     Kiosk in the central city

alameda.gif (41668 bytes)    1966 view of the Alameda from the Torre Latinoamericano

013.gif (43518 bytes)     Panoramic view towards Zócalo (1966)

fountain.gif (129047 bytes)    Fountain in Traffic Circle, Paseo de la Reforma

025.gif (136664 bytes)     Restaurante Normandie

032.gif (125711 bytes)     Looking northeastward, Paseo de la Reforma

007.gif (18384 bytes)      Campaign Ad on wall, Partido Acción Nacional

044.gif (122880 bytes)     Mexican Communist Party wall ad

046.gif (62620 bytes)     Trolley Bus

047.gif (153747 bytes)     Model of Zócalo, 19th century

55.gif (48204 bytes) Plaza of the Three Cultures

63.gif (72274 bytes)     Avenida Juárez (1966)

64.gif (83383 bytes)     Los Niños Monument

inah.gif (18918 bytes)
tlaloc1.gif (21072 bytes)      National Institute of Anthropology and History


One the most striking of Mexico City's many monuments is the one to Independence. It is in the midst of a traffic circle at the intersection of the Paseo de la Reforma and Río Tiber/Florencia.

009.gif (323181 bytes) Monument to Independence

68.gif (57273 bytes)     Night View

67.gif (100874 bytes)     Closeup of statue


krystal.gif (37848 bytes)   Hotel in Zona Rosa

arrowb.gif (37568 bytes)
Administration building of Tlateloco housing project  as seen from the Buenavista Railroad station

tiendas.gif (50406 bytes)    Stores on Río Pánuco

sanborn.gif (43334 bytes)     Sanborn's and Maria Isabel Sheraton Hotel, Reforma y Río Tiber

66.gif (43601 bytes)
National Palace (1969). Note construction for the Metro.

70.gif (61445 bytes) Theater marquee, Insurgentes Sur.

038.gif (65548 bytes)      U. S. Embassy

034.gif (108818 bytes)
Palacio de Bellas Artes

042.gif (51296 bytes)     Central Library, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

57.gif (60200 bytes)      UNAM building

59.gif (81783 bytes)      Hotel del Angel
019.gif (64764 bytes)
Dining room, Sanborn's House of Tiles

73.gif (36319 bytes)     Mural, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)