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The Pioneers of France in the New World

by Francis Parkman

i. Title Page
ii. Prefatory Note to the Huguenots in Florida
iii. Introduction

1. Part 1: Chapter I.
2. Part 1: Chapter II
3. Part 1: Chapter III
4. Part 1: Chapter IV
5. Part 1: Chapter V
6. Part 1: Chapter VI
7. Part 1: Chapter VII
8. Part 1: Chapter VIII
9. Part 1: Chapter IX.
10. Part 1: Chapter X
11. Part 2: Chapter I.
12. Part 2: Chapter III
13. Part 2: Chapter III
14. Part 2: Chapter IV
15. Part 2: Chapter V
16. Part 2: Chapter VI
17. Part 2: Chapter VII
18. Part 2: Chapter VIII
19. Part 2: Chapter IX
20. Part 2: Chapter X
21. Part 2: Chapter XI
22. Part 2: Chapter XII
23. Part 2: Chapter XIII
24. Part 2: Chapter XIV
25. Part 2: Chapter XV
26. Part 2: Chapter XVI
27. Part 2: Chapter XVII