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3: March 30-June, 1943

<< 2: January-March, 1943 || 4: July-September, 1943 >>

Mar. 30th 31st April 1st 2nd 3rd - Lt Woods of Co "L" arrived in the CP at 0630 having travelled all night of find the CP with the good news that Co "L" held the high ground five ridges beyond Co "I". At 0900 hours we were visited by the Regtl S-6 and S-5 who looked over the positions of our companies. At 1000 hours Gen Roosevelt visited the CP and went on to "I" Co position. Many prisoners were brought into the CP and were interrogated by S-2 and brought up to the PW stockade by the Intell. Sect. They were utilized as carriers for rations and ammunition to the line companies and as stretcher bearers by Chaplain Chase and the Medics. Natives with burros were also used for the same purpose. All night the same enemy air activity was carried on. The Bn was semi-alerted for a possible move and on Mar. 31st Co "I" withdrew from its forward position and the remainder of the Bn gradually came in from their positions. The day was spent sweating out orders to move. Enemy planes came over the Bn area several times and our own air patrols were active. Everybody was sweating out the 8th Army and its progress and were all glad to hear of its successes. On Apr 1st the Bn had the privilege of occupying ringside seats at the "Dogfight Classic" when two large enemy bombers (Dorniers II), escorted by ME 109's met our patrol with favorable results - we watched one Dornier crash in flames and the other hurry off badly damaged. Again at 1730 hours and at 1810 hours enemy planes were driven off by our patrol. Apr 2nd began with air activity and another alert for a possible move. Co "L" and 1 plat .30 cal MG Co "M" in Regtl reserve securing the high ground to the front; 3rd Bn less Co "L" and atchment in Div reserve. Co "K" to patrol all draws to investigate any enemy infiltration also to contact the 16th CT. Co "L" to occupy hill No. 482 and entire Co "K" moved out to secure right rear of Div. April 3rd Co "L" moved out at 0630 to hill 482 and the hilly mass in vicinity of 482 was secured by 0800. Co "L" shelled on S flank by 88mm guns from vicinity of DJ Keroura. Div CP began moving into our area at 1400 hours.

Apr. 4th - The Bn area was bombed at 0840 the enemy using the new personnel "Butterfly" bombs. The Bn entrucked at 1030: order Hq M I K & L; and travelled approximately 16 miles by truck to a temporary bivouac northwest of Gafsa and remained there until 1945 hours. We entrucked again and in the same order travelled approximately 85 miles to positions east of Sbeittla where arrived at 0130 hours Apr 5th. The orders received by the Bn S-6 were as follows: "To CO 3rd Bn 26th CT fr CG 1st Div - 'Move your Bn by infiltration at 1000 hours to a bivouac area N of Gafsa pick out an assemble area, send a liaison officer to II Corps, Contact Col Williams. 133rd Inf CP Sbeittla to get mission and employment. Move Bn and 1 btry 65th FA atchd to Sbeittla starting 2000 hours. Keep contact with Div Hq by phone or liaison from present CP until your Bn has cleared present bivouac. CO 65th FA will report to your CP for necessary arrangement. Your atchments will be 1 section Co "C" 1st Medics, and 1 btry 65th FA. Trucks (15) will be furnished by G-4 to shuttle your troops to be returned.' Allen, CG, 0907."

Apr. 5th - Bn S-6 went to GHQ for Instructions and the Co Comdrs went on recon of the sector. The Bn moved into defensive positions at 1945 hours approximately 3 miles. Our mission at this time was the defense of the sector. The troops received a clothing issue and the kitchen train moved up with the units. Bn S-1 went Marsat for replacements at 1830. The Bn at this time was under the control of Col Williams' force. The Bn defensive position was in the form of a circle with the TD Bn within our lines. Position established at Oued el Aclam.

Apr. 6th - Co "L" alerted for move at 0810 hours. Co Comdrs meeting in CP at 0830. Bn alerted to move at 1220 hours. The Bn entrucked at 1945 hours and moved approximately 26 miles to Le Souda vicinity. Bn S-1 returned at 1600 from Varsat to pick up detail to bring in replacements. Those replacements (95 EM) arrived at 1700 hours and were temporarily assigned. Co "I", with Maj Corley in command accompanied by Pvt Pellington, left by motor at 2030 to positions at Le Souda - one Tank Co and one TD Co attached.

Apr. 7th - The Bn remained in defensive positions and the Co Comdrs held a meeting in the CP at 1430 hours. The Bn now came under the supervision and command of Gen McQuillan. An OP was established and manned by the Bn Intel Section. Wire communication was established with the other units of the force by the Bn Comm Section. The Bn was alerted to move to join Co "I" at Djebel Le Souda.

Apr. 8th - Unit comdrs to meeting at TF CP at 1500 hours. Capt Zerkes, Bn S-2 and Lt Murphy Bn Coff Off, relieved of asgmt to Bn and Asgnd to Regtl Hq. Lt Minster joined the Bn as Comm officer. Bn S-1 and all 1st Sgts of the Bn left for Marsat at 1200. The Bn was alerted at 1830 hours to leave by motor for new defensive positions. The first elements of the Bn left the area at 2045 hours and the last elements left at 0330 Apr 9th.

Apr. 9th - CP established in new positions at 0650 and was later moved to new location. Some enemy arty thrown at us in the morning. An OP was established and manned by 1 plat of Co "K" in the mountains overlooking Faid Pass. No contact was made and little activity seen around the pass.

Apr. 10th - Co Comdrs meeting in CP at 1400. Information about the 8th Army being just S of Faid Pass gladly received by the Bn. Bn S-5, Pvt Heffernan, led a recon of 5 tanks into pass - saw nothing. Heavy bombing took place in pass at 2300 hours and lasted for an hour. Flames from supply dumps were visible all night.

Apr. 11th - The Bn still held its outpost on DJ Lessouda. First contact with the Allied Troops was a patrol from the 8th Army that advanced thru Faid Pass. The Bn received orders to move to the Bn assembly area at 0900 hours (one mile W of Lessouda). This position was not in accordance with the wishes of the CG 1st Inf Div so another move was effected. At this time the Bn was released from attachment to the lst Armored Div by II Corps after much debate. The Bn then shuttled to an assembly area near a water point two miles W of Sbeittla. Before leaving out first area casualties were incurred in Co "L" due to a "Bouncing Baby" - 1 killed and 10 wounded.

Apr 12th - The Bn spent the morning in the assembly area at Sbeittla getting much needed baths at a pumping station. Trucks arrived at 1230 to transport the Bn to Div assembly area in El Meradj. The Bn left for a new area at 1330 arriving at the destination at 1830 - order of convoy: Hq. I K L & M. One truck load of men from Co "L" ran over a mine causing three injuries.

Apr. 13th, 14th, 15th - These three days were spent in bivouac near Marsat in the same positions we had occupied before. The days were spent in rest, care and cleaning of equipment, new clothing issue, and the carrying loads of clothing, etc. were reduced to the bare necessities. On the 14th the Bn S-5, S-3, Pvt's Pellington and Heffernan left on a recon. At 1030 at a Bn formation awards were presented by Gen Roosevelt. On Apr 15th the Bn was alerted to move; a Co Comdrs meeting at 1620; and the recon party returned to the area at 2100 hours.

Apr. 16th - The Bn entrucked at 0430, crossed the IP at 0450: order of convoy: L K Hq & M. We arrived in the bivouac area in the vicinity of La Calle at 1640 hours after having travelled by motor approximately 150 miles. This was merely a temporary bivouac area as we were awaiting orders. Gas masks and mosquito nets were issued to the troops.

Apr. 17th - The Bn remained in bivouac until 1415 hours when we again entrucked and traveled 32 miles and on orders of II Corps halted temporarily with orders not to pass thru Beja until 0300 hours. The kitchen train came up and fed hot dinner at 1930. The Bn again entrucked at 2330 and proceeded to detrucking area about 3 miles reaching there at 0330 hours. The Bn then marched on foot 5 miles to temporary position at 0330 and established a CP at 0400.

Apr. 18th - The day was spent in the temporary positions and the companies moved into the positions held by the British accomplishing the relief by 0200 hours on the 19th. The kitchens came up twice daily with hot food - early morning and after dark at night.

Apr. 19th - The Bn Staff was changed as follows: Col Daniel transferred to 2nd Bn; Maj Corley became our new CO; Capt Garvey became S-5, Lt Picker S-4, Capt Hughes S-3, Lt Woods S-2, and Lt Wehrle S-1 and Comdr of Hq Co. Bn S-6 went to a Bn Comdrs meeting at Regt at 1515; the Co Comdrs met in the Bn CP at 1700. Gen Bradley inspected positions of Bn at 1630 - 1700 hours. (Gen Order No. 9 atchd).

Apr. 20th - The Bn remained in positions (Hunt Gap). S-6 went to a meeting at Regtl Hq at 1500 and the Co Comdrs met at the I Co CP at 1630. An OP as established and manned by the Bn Intel Sect. Patrols were sent out by Companies "K" and "L".

Apr. 21st - The Bn staff went to a meeting at Regt at 1400. Co "L" moved into a forward position during the early night. Patrol and recon. activity as usual.

Apr. 22nd - The mosquito nets and gas masks just recently issued to the troops were turned in. Co Comdrs Meeting in CP at 2200 hours. Sgt White awarded the Silver Star. Co "K" established an OP within 200 yds of the enemy. Co "L" suffered casualties: 2 wounded, 1 MIA.

Apr. 23rd - Another D day and H Hour - Apr 23rd Friday 0300 hours! The mission of the Bn to block the valley SE of Djebal Gimble. Atchd to the Bn were "A" Co of the 13th Armored Regt and Co "C" of the 70lst TD Bn as well as an atchmt of the 1st Medics. "K" Co attacked DJ Gimble at 0300 - 1 killed and 2 wounded. The wire to the "K" Co OP on hill No. 407 was cut during the night but the OP was not molested. Bn S-6 and S-5 went to the forward positions on recon. at 0530. 12 men from Co "I" were pinned down by MG and small arms fire on hill 407 but withdrew successfully under cover of smoke laid on by the 33rd FA. Patrols and road block security were established at night as usual.

Apr. 24th - The Bn again alerted to move - positions to be taken over by the 1st Bn of the 168th Inf. Bn S-6 and S-2 on recon at 1400 returned at 1900 hours. Bn S-5 and all Co Executive Officers to a meeting White CP at 1730. Bn moved to the assembly at 1800 hours and moved out at 1910 hours; order of march K L I Hq & M. Bn arrived in temporary position at 2215 and moved into the attack at 2330 hours.

Apr. 25th - The Bn arrived at the base of our objective at 0200 hours. One of the heaviest arty barrages of our experience was heard and felt from 0130-0200 hours and the Bn advanced under a rolling barrage from 0200-0300 hours. Bn advanced to the 1st objective and took it at 1000 hours having met no resistance. The attack was then pushed forward. The CP moved to a forward position at 1330 hours and the old CP was maintained until 1500 hours. The CP group and Hq Co remained in CP position overnight while the remainder of the Bn pushed forward.

Apr. 26th - Dextrose Red advanced thru us at 0700-0800 hours. CP moved forward and established a rear and forward CP. OP's established by Bn Intel Section. Ammo, water, and ration DP established in vicinity of CP (Bir Touta). Intermittent mortar and arty fire both ways. Ammo & Pion Plat under Sgt Allen laid mines on highway.

Apr. 27th - "M" Co reported having knocked out a mortar OP at 0800 hours. Regtl S-2 arrived in CP at 1400 hours semi-alerting Bn for possible move. Arabs and mules drafted into service to haul water, rations, and ammo. Members of the Bn conducted a very successful "chicken hunt" by which we all benefited. Co "I" sent out a patrol to feel out the next objective and were pinned down by cross MG fire. A graphic account of their predicament was phoned into the Bn CP by Cpl Larkin & Lt Willis (FOO, 33rd FA). "M" Co and Arty cooperated by mortar fire, smoke, etc. to cover withdrawal of the trapped squad. S-6, S-3, to Regt to meeting. Move postponed. "I" Co patrol returned after dark.- 3 casualties, 3 missing.

Apr. 28th - Bn alerted to move forward at 1030 hours. Order of advance: L Adv CP I K M Hq. Returned to original positions at 1300 hours; Bn S-6 with Red Bn. Bn moved out at 2030 hours to assume positions left of 18th CT and right of 2nd Bn 26th CT. CO "L" to contact 16th CT by patrol.

Apr. 29th - Bn assumed new positions at 0245, Co "I" patrol out to contact 18th CT elements at 2030 hours. Listening posts were established by line co.'s and an OP by S-2 and Bn Intel Sect. Heavy arty fire received by Bn all day.

Apr. 30th - The Bn was alerted for a possible counter-attack which was successfully driven off.

May 1st 2nd and 3rd - The day was spent in position. - subjected to mortar and arty fire. The Bn Intel Sect and the line co's established and manned OP's and listening posts and patrols. Some casualties due to mortar and arty fire.

May 4th - With the enemy having withdrawn from our front, the Bn moved out at 1030 hours travelled by foot twelve (12) miles approximately - order of march L K I M & Hq. Arrived at Sidi Aboud Bout at 1900. Encountered no enemy resistance but the road way was being shelled by 88's. Cpl Brownell of Hq Co was injured when a two and one half ton truck threw a large rock breaking one of his legs.

May 5th - Bn left Sidi Abed Bout at 0600 marched by foot to El Mezzoui and assumed positions by 1745.

May 6th - Bn moved from Mezzoui at 0135 order of march L I K Hq M. The Bn attacked at 0300- objective was hill mass east of Oued Tine and Mateur Road. Attack was ordered late so a complete recon. was not permitted. Co "L" assaulted enemy positions with bayonets inflicting many casualties. The Bn area was bombed by enemy aircraft 4 times at 0530, 0700, 1020, and 1515.

May 7th - Two jeeps were wrecked due to mines - PFC's Zount and Hoffernan died due to injuries received; others, Pvt's Brown and Pellington injured seriously from same accident. The advance of the bn was held up at 0930 due to Heavy MG and mortar fire. The Bn CP was heavily shelled for over an hour causing more casualties. Lt Romano and 5 aid men were also injured due to mines. Co's K & I suffered heavy arty and automatic fire all day. All approaches to the objective were well covered by automatic fire. Gained contact with Co "L" when ammo carriers came back. At dark the Bn was prepared to attack, but Regt called the plan off and ordered the bn to withdraw. Enroute to the rear, Co's K & I were raided with a few casualties. Could not contact Capt Morrissey and one platoon of Co "L".

May 8th - Co ''L" reached objective as scheduled - 1st Sgt Egan believed to have been killed in action, but later turned up as wounded and in enemy hands. Wire was run to Co "L" and contact was finally established. Co "L" remained in position and continued to harass the enemy. Remainder of Co "L" pulled back at dark. Col Corley was slightly wounded by shell fragments.

May 9th - Capt Morrissey was the last man of Co "L" to check in at 0230. One entire LMG section was captured. At 1145 it was believed that the enemy had vacated our former objective. Lt Woods and 15 men moved to our former objective and found only two stragglers. This party maintained an OP for the remainder of the day.

May 10th & 11th - On May 10th the Armistice in Tunisia was declared much to the

satisfaction and pleasure of everybody. The 2 days of the 10th and 11th were spent in much needed rest. The Regtl band came into our area on the 11th to entertain us. Some members of the bn went to Tunis for a look - this baby campaign cost Sgt Major Shine a pair of teeth and innumerable sore bones.

May 12th - The Bn entrucked at 0800 left the vicinity of Djebel Mezzoura at 0830 and journeyed 195 miles to Guelma where we spent the night.

May 13th 14th 15th & 16th - The bn transp. loaded with equipment and personnel left the bivouac area at 0630 to begin the long trip West to the vicinity of Oran. The remainder of the bn entrucked at 1600 and journeyed 8 miles to El Guerrah. The personnel of the bn then entrained into cars marked 40 & 8 famous in song and story. Lt Col Corley was train comdr; rations were prepared and consumed in the cars; the populace welcomed us in each stopping place. Following is the route travelled by train and convoy: ******** unreadable********

May 17th - The day was spent in preparing the camp area, putting up pyramidal tents, recreation, cleaning up, etc.

May 18th - The organization of the bn area was further organized and at 1030 a bn formation was addressed by Lt Col Corley and by Maj Rainey, the Bn Surgeon.

May 19th 20th - Usual camp duties; recreation, etc.

May 21st - The Bn attended the Regtl formation at which time the troops were addressed by Col Bowen, Regtl Comdr, and awards were made. Group pictures were taken in the afternoon; and in the evening six officer replacements arrived, unassigned.

May 22nd - Usual Camp duties.

May 23rd - A Division Memorial Service was held at Div Hq - well attended by the members of the bn.

May 24th - Requiem Mass held in the Cathedral in Oran honoring our dead - attended by many of the bn. Officers' party in the evening (see FO No. 5, attached).

May 25th - Usual camp duties. Recreational trips to Oran, care and cleaning equipment, etc.

May 26th - Regtl Parade at 1315 hours. The billeting detail left to our new bivouac area.

May 27th 28th - The bn left Sidi Chaini by truck at 1300 hours. Two trips were made to shuttle the troops; distance travelled by truck approximately 18 miles. The new bivouac area was very familiar territory being Djebel Murdjadjo, our objective in the initial landing in North Africa. Our base camp was established near the Djebel; pyramidal tents erected which seemed palatial to the troops after spending so much time with no tents at all or pup tents only.

May 29th - The bn left the base camp by truck at 0830 hours, travelled 4 miles, arrived at the beach at Mers-El-Kebir, and loaded onto LCI's. The troops travelled about 1/2 a mile to the training ship AP-13 (USS Dickman) and practiced loading and unloading of LCA's for the remainder of the morning. The afternoon was devoted to recreation - trucks to Oran, rest, etc. The troops remained aboard.

May 30th - The Bn left base camp at 0845, marched 4 miles to the beach at Mers-El - Kebir and loaded on LCA's (those troops who remained ashore). When the remainder of the troops of the bn arrived aboard the Dickman, everyone loaded onto LCA's (tactically) at 0845. rendezvoused until 0930 and then travelled 15 miles by water to Les Andelouses beach which recalled many memories of our initial landing. After landing the troops marched about 1/2 a mile inland to the Bn assembly area, returned to the beach, had lunch and swam, and returned to the Dickman at 1645. Aboard the Dickman the good "navy chow", ice cream and Coca Cola at the PX, and movies in the ship's recreation room were all enjoyed by the bn.

May 31st - Again the bn loaded on LCA's at 1130 hours, rendezvoused until "H" hour which was 0540 hours and travelled by water to Les Andalouses beach. Companies "I" & "K" landed in the assault at "H" hour, followed by Hq Co and Co "L" (reserve co.) and Co "M". Marched inland to the Bn assembly area (1/2 mile), returned to the beach, reloaded on the LCA's and returned to the Dickman at 1030. The same evening the troops gathered in the hold at 2100 hours awaiting the orders for the main problem.

June 1st - The Bn loaded on LCA's at 0945 hours rendezvoused off the Dickman until 1100 hours; left rendezvous area at 1100 and travelled by water approximately 15 miles to Les Andelouses beach at 0200 hours. After landing the troops marched to the Bn assembly which incidentally was the same one used on our initial landing. The whole problem as a matter of fact was almost identical with our initial landing. Upon arriving at the assembly areas, a grenade was thrown by our simulated enemies and landed among the men of Hq Co, injuring 20 men 17 of whom were hospitalized. Co "I" took and secured the town of Bou Sfer at 0330 hours and the bn advanced to base camp, thru Bou Sfer - 9 miles - arriving at 0530 hours (See atchd Landing Problem No. 1). The same day 61 replacements arrived in the evening.

June 2nd - The replacements were assigned to the various companies. Line companies trained in the street fighting, bayonet, and combat areas.

June 3rd - Line companies trained in the courses designated during the morning and the afternoon was devoted to recreation. S-2 attended Intel. School.

June 4th - The Bn marched to the beach (7 miles) at Mers-El-Kebir for training in loading and landing from LCI's. Returned to base at 1615 hours. A dance was held in Oran at the Red Cross Club for members of the 26th Inf. with music by the 26th Band.

June 5th - Companies of the Bn left base camp at 0700 for beach at Mers-El-Kebir for more loading and landing practices. Marched back to base camp arrived there at 1230. Again at 1930 the Bn moved to the same beach for night training in the same problem. Returned to base camp at 2330 and coffee was served to the troops. Lots of blisters and chafed members were enjoyed by the troops from marching in wet clothes.

June 6th - Church services, Cath & Prot were held in the bn area at 1000. The bn moved out at 1300 for the beach at Mers-El-Kebir for more practice loading & landing LCIs. Two operations in the afternoon and one in the evening. Returned to camp at 2230 and coffee was served.

June 7th - Again at 0700 the bn moved out for the beach for loading and landing problem. The LCI in which Hq Co & Co "I" were to use was beached immovably and the members of these two companies returned to camp at 1300. Companies "K", "L", & "M" travelled to Les Andalouses beach where they unloaded and were taken back to camp by trucks.

June 8th - A billeting party left for Regtl Hq at 0530 their destination unknown. Shots were administered to members of the Bn by the medics and the remainder of the day was spent in recreation. Trucks were available to go to town.

June 9th - Day spent in preparation for move.

June 10th - The vehicle convoy left camp at 0500 destination unknown. Sgt Major Shine and Col Corley went aboard the USS Barnett. The advance detail from Companies "I", "K", & "L" went aboard the USS Dickman.

June 11th - Troops of the bn left the bivouac area at : "I", "K", and "L" at 0730 and boarded the USS Dickman; Hq Co and Co "M" at 0800 and boarded the USS Barnett. Troops walked to the dock. Lt Col Corley was Troop Comdr aboard and Lt Lussenden Troop Adjutant. All night was spent making up sailing rosters.

June 12th - Day spent aboard our respective boats the Barnett & the Dickman at sea. The convoy left Oran harbor at 1000 hours. Travelled about 250 miles by sea.

June 13th - Convoy arrived at Algiers harbor at 0800 troops debarked at 1330. The bn entrucked and rode 18 miles by truck to new bivouac area near Stoueli arrived at 1630.

June 14th - Day spent in making camp comfortable as possible and the afternoon in recreation - to Algiers, and nearby towns. Bn S-5 to meeting at Div at 1030.

June 15th - The bn hiked from 0800 - 1100 hours. Distance 7 miles. Troops were free in the afternoon for swimming, drinking, going to town, etc. 91 EM & 2 officers arrived at 1500 hours and were immediately assigned to the various companies (replacements).

June 16th - Morning spent in practice of Battle Drill as prescribed by the Bn S-5 in the attached Training Memorandum. Afternoon free for troops.

June 17th - Col Corley attended a meeting at Regtl Hq at 1400 hours. The companies drilled in the morning and devoted the afternoon to recreation.

June 18th - A 11.3 mile bn hike was held from 0800 to 1145 in the morning. Troops were restricted until 1400 hours to clean up the bivouac area. The remainder of the day was free. An officer's dance was held in the evening.

June 19th - Battle drill competition was held at 0900 hours in the drill area. Company "K" won and arrangements were made for the winning squad to stay overnight in Algiers.

June 20th - Church services in area and recreation.

June 21st - Co training by companies. Meeting of all officers of the bn at Bn CP at 1300 and at Retl Hq at 1330 hours. Bazooka squads fired guns on firing beach in the morning. Bn alerted to move at 1730. Companies shuttled to docks by truck beginning at 0830 - however, quite a distance was covered by foot. The last elements of the bn were loaded aboard LCI's at 2245.

Co "I" aboard LCI No. 192

" "K" " " 193

" "L" " " 190

" "M" " " 191

Hq. Co. " " 233

June 22nd & 23rd - Days spent aboard LCI's. Not much water, none for shaving or washing. Coffee was served for breakfast, "C" rations at noon, and a hot meal at night. The evening of the 23rd was spent in preparing packs, etc. for problem on the 24th.

June 24th - Bn assembled in holds of various LCI's preparatory to landing problem. Hot coffee served to troops. Troops made tactical landing from LCI's at 0415 hours. Bn in support of 1st and 2nd Bns. Marched inland 1000 yds to check point, resumed march inland to bn assembly area. Advanced inland 4 miles to point where blown up bridge halted advance of bn. Bn rerouted to follow up Red & White Bns. Route of march under heavy arty fire. Regtl S-6 in CP at 1410 and again at 1440 when he announced problem officially finished. Bn entrucked at 1530 and returned to camp.

June 25th - Day spent in bivouac area - cleaning clothing, arms, etc. Passes to Algiers in afternoon.

June 26th - Bn alerted to move after noon meal. Bn entrucked at 1525 moved 18 miles to Port of Algiers, loaded onto respective LCI's. Passes to town for troops until 2200.

June 27th 28th & 29th - Day spent aboard LCI's. Left harbor of Algiers at 0930 Tunis - bound. Arrived at La Goulette harbor, Tunis, at 1130 hours the morning of July 29th. LCI's docked at 1500 hours and troops debarked at 1600 hours. Bn marched 1 & 1/2 miles to embussing point and entrucked on British lorries and rode 7 miles to Bn bivouac area - arriving there at 1750 hours. Our new bivouac area was approximately 3 miles from the outskirts of Tunis.

June 30th - Companies of the bn hiked (by companies) approximately 9 miles 0800 -1145 hours in the morning. Training by platoons in the afternoon. Trucks were available to take the troops to the beach near Carthage in the afternoon.

<< 2: January-March, 1943 || 4: July-September, 1943 >>